Couple and Relationship Counselling
Only through our interactions with others do we come to know ourselves. Those closest to us are often those with whom we most struggle with when we are most angry.
Couples come and see me for many reasons; maybe you seem to have the "same argument "over and over, maybe you are experiencing a lack of emotional, physical or sexual closeness or have poor communication patterns, or one of you has broken trust through having another relationship.
It can help greatly to have a safe supportive environment to talk through these issues and to have a skilled professional to help you understand what is driving the problems and what will help to resolve them.
The way I work is based on the simple premise that the quality of the working relationship we build is key to the therapy being effective. The time is yours and my role is to help you through the process by creating a safe place in which you feel comfortable to talk through the personal and difficult areas in your life. I work with the issues that you bring, at a pace which is right for you and will support you in exploring options that help you reach a decision that feels right for you.