Loss and Bereavement

So much of what hurts us in life is loss whether through bereavement or the ending of relationships or marriage. Therapy provides a space for you to safely experience the pain and grief of your loss and to allow you to explore the different feelings that you are coping with all the while working towards healing the wounds that you have been left with.

When someone significant in our life dies the emotions that inhabit us can be overwhelming. Losing your partner, spouse, friend, parent, family member or child is a devastating experience. The newly bereaved can be unprepared to deal with the sheer force and nature of emotions that follow the loss of a loved one. It can feel like nothing will ever make sense or feel right again. It can be difficult to express or share your grief with those around you as they may be grieving too or you may feel they do not understand what you are going through.

Coping with Grief:

By Alfredo Gonzalez, Belfast

Everyone Grieves Differently

The death of a loved one can be devastating and bereavement affects people in uniquely different ways. There’s no right or wrong way to grieve. Grieving can be impacted by gender or cultural identity. Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you experience when someone you love dies. The more significant the loss, the more intense the grief will be.

Get Support

Talking and sharing your feelings with someone can really help. You don’t have to go through this alone. For some people, relying on family and friends is the best way to cope. For others being part of a faith community or having spiritual beliefs can be sustaining at this painful time. The work of psychotherapy and counselling is to help individuals process the pain of loss and to assist them to go on living effectively in the world.